Guarantee & Principles

The Westport Partners Guarantee

Westport Partners has a proven track record of building and enhancing profitable and scalable businesses. We achieve this through:

Integrity and Business Ethics: Firstly, Westport Partners endeavours to approach all business dealings with absolute integrity and business ethics. Doing business the right way ensures long-lasting relationships built on trust and mutual respect.

Excellence: Secondly, understanding that whilst high service standards, excellent business intelligence, providing our clients with top calibre talent and developing this talent - are all important facets of it the firm and what distinguishes our business from the competition.

Teamwork: Thirdly, we take a customised approach to all of our partnerships with private and corporate clients. That means listening to what our partners need and then leveraging our experience, creativity and relationships to help you achieve your long-term goals.

Delivery: Lastly, Westport Partners is fully aware that whilst working with us has to be a pleasant experience, the end result of providing you with the best, most productive service in a timely and efficient manner is of the utmost importance. Everything boils down to delivery.

Our Key Business Principles

  1. Partnership: Do the very best for our Clients, Candidates and always treat people well. Cultivate Meaningful Work and Meaningful Relationships.

  2. Focus on Excellence: to be No 1.

  3. Integrity and Self-Respect: Never compromise on our integrity. Our word is our bond.

  4. White Belt Mentality: What brought us here will not take us to the next level.

  5. Introspective & Open-Minded: Be radical in our thought processes, thinking outside the box, but not easily persuaded.

  6. Culture of Positivity & Learning: Create a dynamic, nurturing environment underpinned by the drive and ambition to be our best by challenging one another.

  7. Personal Bests: Beat your personal bests and set new goals.

  8. No Nonsense: We do not suffer fools gladly.

  9. Rational Deductive Logic (RDL)

  10. Elite Performance: Create an environment where our team is taken care of financially and professionally. Fight ruthlessly for quality time at work to give us family time at home.